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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Form 4 2012

2012. It's the most fastest year I've ever through. Not that the time is swifting so fast, but I just don't know why I feel that way. 2 months I stayed at Setapak Indah, then moved to SM Sains Selangor. Everything happened not on the purpose.

I've met lots of people. What I've learnt is not to put trust on people too easily because not everyone will be there for you when you need them. Not everyone appreciate your trust. And none of them will treat you right if you don't put effort to do so.

And one more thing is FORM 4 YEAR IS NOT A HONEY MOON YEAR like people mention. It's just like you free from the lower form subjects and you can be ala ala gangsta dude and raised by junior because they look you as "wow form 4 dudes are so hot" (entah lah. Maybe) and that's all. You got some NEW subjects to be handle actually. DIFFICULT ONES. You never learn them more detail when in lower form. Need to struggle and have practises more haih serious.

If you take pure science, get ready to be a dead meat to face BIO, CHEM, ADD MATH AND PHYSICS. So far, I never get D or fail for my elective subjects. Alhamdulillah.

So dakdak pmr sekalian, don't take it easy tau. Tomorrow is a big day. It'll help you to choose which stream you'll be taking next year. Kalau kau ambik pure science, mati doh hahahaha.  Takdelah. Gurau je.

That's all. Good luck!