Second sem started after a week of sem break. Starting of sem was awesome. Our first day class was canceled so we went to Mines to play bowling! Haha.
Surprisingly, it was the second last day of Mien being in UPM. My best buddy throughout my sem here and since I was in SMSS. I'm gonna lose her. She got Petronas oversea scholarship to US *cries* But nvm, I know I can handle myself and survive on my own here without her.
Why? Because when you're living in college, all that matter is you yourself and not anyone else. Like if you get hungry during dinner, but your fella isn't your roommate and imagine if s/he lived at different hostel and s/he didn't want to eat dinner, so you gotta go to cafe all by yourself. So, I let her go instead (ceh dah macam moving on after break up je hahahahahahaha)
Ok, so Mien's gone. Then, I gotta live independently.
During last sem, we got 5 classes. I was in
Kuliah 3. This sem, I am in Kuliah 2. We got 3 classes for second sem altogether. Kuliah 1 stays together with September intake students. Kuliah 2 + Kuliah 3 becomes Kuliah 2. and Kuliah 4 + Kuliah 5 becomes Kuliah 3. Old classmates and new ones. But I've known them since last sem so it isn't a big deal.
Our subjects for this sem are:
-Organic Chemistry (3rd sem subject)
-Statistic (3rd sem subject)
-Physics - Heat, light and ((not sure apa)) (2nd sem subject)
-Physics - Electric, electronic and electromagnetic (3rd sem subject)
-Biology (2nd sem subject)
-Biology - Genetic (3rd sem subject)
-Agriculture - Food (2nd sem subject)
-Agriculture - Entrepreneur (3rd sem subject)
8 subjects = 24 hours credit WTH -,- and total lab reports that we gotta do is
5. FIVE BABE FIVE! Banyak tu. On fourth week pulak, semua lab ada and gotta send all the lab reports on that week jugak! Feh, Bio paling seksa -,- Abang Zul our lab demonstrator suka buat kitorang rushing dari last sem lagi :"( -.- Dah lah time tu test 1 dah start. Memang tk penat langsung -,-
However, since I got
MARA, I only took Chem test and Entrepreneur test. Chem so far ok jugak..... kot..... I got ok lah and Entrepreneur test, Alhamdulillah I did well. Got marks already but the rest papers, I didn't sit for it. Yeah..... Because on Thurday, 22nd May would be my last day in UPM.
War Games during last sem. Sedihnya :""""""""""""""""""""""""""""( |
I was sad for leaving my friends here plus happy for the offer. I donno. Couldn't describe my feelings. So much feels that I couldn't tell how was it. *sigh*
It was supposed to be
"Together we stand, divided we'll fall". Not "STARD" WHAT THE HECK --'
After I went out, Athirah also quit. And so, our Lecthree becomes lesser.... and lesser. From 27 of us since last sem, now only got 9 of us stay there excluding me *sigh* Because most of us took scholarship offer and some of Trackers get into Streamers and move to other uni because they want to take Medic course :( I heard that Trackers sekarang tinggal 60++ je people :( So sad, we become lesser haih.
Prof Mahiran (Pengarah Pusat Asasi) expects the best from us (I mean Trackers) anyway. So you guys gotta score better for this sem tau!!!!!! Atiqah, Mima, Ica, As, Sya, Izzati Nadzri, Izzati Suhail, Muih & Pedot, PLEASE BANGGA KAN LECTHREE TAU!!!! And semua Trackers yg aku kenal yang still stay, please score tau!!!!!!!! Sayang korang :'(
So, my life in UPM was over since 22nd May. *sigh*
I miss UPM so much that I could cry a river, eh no. A sea :'""(
I thank Allah for giving the chance to meet you guys in my life. Thank you for being with me through thick and thins. I pray the best for you guys in pursuing happiness and achieving success in life. In shaa Allah, we'll meet again. Pray for me as well.
My earlier plan was if I continued in UPM, I'd graduate at age 22, get first class honoured in Aerospace engineering and continued Ph.D. But then again, I wasn't fated to do so hm.
attention to all '97 kids, SCORE THE BEST FOR YOUR TRIAL SPM. If you're in science stream and planning not to take medic, you can
apply UPM fast track lane. I'm sure it's the best choice. You can plan as what I've planned and if you don't mind, why not following my earlier dream LOL xD JK.
If you don't have chance to get into fast track, try to APPLY STREAMER AND
CHOOSE UPM AS YOUR CHOICE WHEN APPLYING UPU. You'll be doing it after you get your SPM result. Choose UPM if you don't plan to further in Law, Dentistry and Pharmacy. Trackers ke, Streamers ke, September intake ke, WE'RE ALL ASPERIANS. BE PROUD.
Anyway, I didn't regret for being enrolled in UPM. It was the best experience for the rest of my life. I mean like you get into college earlier than your fellas, and you get to be senior to them. Isn't that legit? I'm sure it is.