Hi, would like to express here on what happened yesterday.
Semalam I was so disappointed nak mati tahap idk what to say about my JPJ test. Macam mana lah boleh fail kat bukit. Haihhhhhhhhhhhhhhh padahal benda senang tau time driving class tak pernah terundur pun. Bila JPJ lah handbrake pulak tersekat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aduh menyesal gila tk tipu haih donno when to take the test after I get enrolled into college.
Talking about college, I haven't decided which college should I enroll. I mean like....... allow me to tell this. Not gonna showing off, seriously. No hate. I'm in dilemma right now.
So, if you're given choices between MARA and JPA offers, which one will you choose?
I've done some research on Google (eceh research. Google cukup) on both JPA and MARA. Both have pros and cons.
JPA: the concept used is bonding at least 6 tahun after grad. Means, gotta kerja under government but gaji tak masyuk ah. But peluang kerja dah ada. Lagipun, engineering banyak scope so mostly banyak nak engineers walaupun dah berlambak kat Malaysia ni engineer.
MARA: the concept used is loan but may change according to result. Means, if got pointer above 3.5 you gotta pay at least 10% based on each course. Kerja tak terjamin boleh dapat but can work with GLC or private companies! Tu cam bonus gak ah but risiko dia agak tinggi. Kalau tak bayar habis, all your family sampai keturunan cucu beranak pinak tk boleh apply MARA, MRSM and such. So, have to pay jugak no matter what after grad! Tu cons dia.
Ni under MARA. Gonna enroll on 6/7, this sunday. Aviation. Bunyi macam best kan? Memang best pun acutally but in Malaysia agak susah nak cari kerja UNLESS if you get enrolled in training center like DTS (Dilog Training & Services) and APR (Aero Precision Resources). Russia problem satu je: the language. Kalau grad dari uni, susah sikit nak kerja kat bahagian hanger sebab kena ambil license dulu baru boleh. So, when my fella told me this, I become more confuseeeee which one to choose haiyo.
Why? Because out of the blues I got JPA! Yang aku tak apply pulak tu.... .____. ...... donno how and why. Alhamdulillah rezeki, but there's one thing that makes my spirit down.
MAK OIH!!!!!!
IKR BOLEH HEART ATTACK TENGOK NI :"""""( Tinggi gila marking range dia and sangat kejam haih.
Hence, that's why I'm counfused right now. Either MARA or JPA.................... People around me encourage me to take the JPA because:
1. US
2. US
3. Russia sebab language problem
4. Kerja terjamin
5. & US
Sebab MOST of people yang bagi suggestion to me pandang US/UK rather than other country especially Russia yang dikatakan country based communist. But my cousin said US sounds scarier --' Ok lagi confuse aku.
Pray for me which should I choose. In shaa Allah that decision will be the best.