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Friday, February 26, 2021

HSG Test


It was our 3rd appointment with Dr. Mohan. As usual, we set our appointment at noon before lunch.

I underwent the TVS session. We saw my eggs are getting bigger. Note that I was on my 2nd CD (Yeap, as you think, I was on period haha). It was bloody when he scanned me. I was ashamed but for the sake of becoming a mama, I needed to go through this.

Anyway, we decided to undergo IUI (Intrauterine insemination) where the doctor will inject my hubby's sperm directly into my vagina during ovulation. 

To prepare for this procedure, I needed to check for my fallopian tube under HSG Test. HSG - Hysterosalpingography (yes, I also cannot pronounce it properly, hence just call it HSG) is a test where the radiographer inject a liquid into fallopian tubes under an X-ray.

Dr told us that if you have a blocked tubes, you cannot undergo any fertility treatment anymore but if one of your tubes is blocked, you still have a chance. 

Upon hearing this, I was truly scared. Are my fallopian tubes good? What if it's not? What if it's painful during the test? I just prayed hard.

So I booked an appointment to undergo the HSG test after my period was over.


On this day, I went to KPJ Damansara again.

At this moment, I was on my 11th CD. Near to fertility window. 

I went straight to the Obgn clinic to look for Dr. Mohan. I was not sure of the procedure. But the nurse asked me to go to the radiography clinic on the opposite building.

Then, I asked the admin if my name was registered or not, but sadly, the nurse from Dr. Mohan's clinic just registered me under the admin TODAY. I was the 5th and the last person to undergo the X-RAY TEST that day. 

Ugh. So annoying. I came early in the morning with my brother. I thought the session would be short. I even parked my car beside the road!! I was hoping that MPSJ didn't summon me.

We waited for like 5 hours for this session. I pitied my brother because he was tired of waiting. I'm so sorry, adik :( 

Then, my turn came. I needed to pee first. After that, I came into the room. 

The radiologist asked me to change my cloth. So I did. Then, I lied on the bed. I was praying that the test will be good.

There were 1 radiologist and 2 nurses. 1 was looking at the screen and controlling the monitor, 1 was holding my legs and another 1 was holding a BIG SYRINGE.

They asked me to breathe in and out before the test. I did. I was lying calmly. 

Suddenly, I felt really painful!!! They injected me and I felt the texture of the liquid inside my body. I felt like crying at this time. I could feel the liquid first went to my right side, then they asked me to change my position to the left side. 

I felt the liquid I swear. The most painful one was on my left side. This time, I screamed loudly!!! ARGHHHH doctor I cannot anymore :(

Then, the session was over. It was around 10 minutes I guess. I was bleeding and the nurse gave me a pad. Then, I changed back to my outfit.

I paid for the test. It was RM250 total. I got the result. I saw that it said my uterus is normal. No spilling defects, and free spill is seen on both of my tubes. Exactly like this first photo below. Alhamdulillah.

But then, why did I feel hurt?

I went back to Obgn clinic to see Dr. Mohan but he came home already. I was really mad because the nurse promised me to let me see him after my test. But he went home already?? 

At this time, I changed my mind. That's it! I decided to change my doctor. I was furious. I felt like it was unprofessional to treat the patient like this. I wasted a lot of my time waiting for my HSG test to be done. 

So that's all from me for my first experience with the first doctor. Check out on the next post for my second doctor.

“Wahai Tuhan kami berikanlah rahmat kepada kami dari sisi-Mu dan sempurnakanlah bagi kami petunjuk yang lurus dalam urusan kami (ini)”. 

- Al-kahfi : 10

p.s. I got summoned after that by MPSJ haha needed to pay the compound for RM90. I was not sure what happened. Did I pay for it? I couldn't remember haha.

TTC Journey - Recap of My Second Appointment

Hello. I would like to recap on my second appointment with Dr. Mohan at KPJ Damansara. 

(For the details of my previous appointment: refer here: 1st Appointment)


Our appointment was around noon. We waited for around less than 1 hour to see the doctor. 

Dr. asked my progress on my period. I have eaten the clomid as per his suggestion for this cycle. Note that on this day, it was my 13th CD (Cycle Day) of my period cycle. 

For normal women, usually on 14th CD, their eggs should be mature enough to burst. Meaning at this time, she should be ovulating a.k.a Fertile Window period.

But in my case, there were a lot of eggs but they did not reach the minimum size to ovulate. Something like this.

Dr. said "Don't worry. You can still eat the clomid for 3 more months. Let's see how it goes.".

Clomid again? Really? But I just agreed with him. I did not know much about this medicine during this time. He told me that Clomid should largen the eggs and make them mature on time.

He lessened the dose to 1 tablets once a day for 5 days for 3 periods. So means, I should start eating the clomid on my 2nd day of my next period with the new dose.

April 2020 - 1st cycle with the new dose

May 2020 - 2nd cycle with the new dose

June 2020 - 3rd cycle with the new dose

It was already July 2020. And I have entered my next period cycle. Hence, I needed to make a new appointment with him.

Let's see how it goes on my next post... Till next time

"Ya Allah.... !! Bukakanlah untukku, pintu-pintu kebaikan, pintu-pintu keselamatan, pintu-pintu kesehatan, pintu-pintu nikmat, pintu-pintu keberkatan, pintu-pintu kekuatan, pintu-pintu cinta sejati, pintu-pintu kasih sayang, pintu-pintu rezeki, pintu-pintu ilmu, pintu-pintu keampunan dan pintu-pintu syurga. Ya Allah yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang."

- Doa Pembuka 12 Pintu

Thursday, February 25, 2021

TTC Journey - Recap of My First Appointment

Hello! I have been keeping this for too long I think I want to let out all my hardships here. 

I will introduce again about myself. I have been married since 5th July 2019, so as of today, it has been 

1 year, 7 months and 20 days 

already! Wow, time flies so fast. And that period is exactly 601 days?? 진짜??!

Okay, back to my story. My hubby and I went to KPJ Damansara on 22/2/2020. On this date, it was around 7 months since our marriage. 

We decided to see a doctor since I never notice if I have been ovulating or not throughout our marriage. So, I googled who should we seek first. We live in Rawang, but most of the Google suggestions are around KL and Selangor. 

We really want children... babies... I want to be a mama :(

If I have the chance to go to JB, I would want to seek for Dr. Thokha's advice. He is well known as Obygn specialist whose patients often deliver twins through IVF. Check out his Dr. Thokha's instagram here.

Anyway, we arrived at the hospital around noon. At first, my hubby needed to check for his sperms. He just recovered from fever, so at this moment, we hoped that the sperm results were fine.

After that, doctor scanned me. They called this scanning session as TVS (transvaginal ultrasound) where the nurse poke into your vagina and scan for your internal fallopian. 

I lied on the bed, facing infront of the nurse. There was a huge TV on the wall infront of the bed. 

It didn't hurt. I think the nurse rubbed the thing first using KY gel. 

That was my first time seeing my internal vagina. I saw a few eggs on both of my left and right side. During this time, it was supposed to be my ovulation day, but based on the TVS, it looked like I hadn't ovulated yet.

Dr. explained that 1/3 of women do not ovulate but they bleed. Meaning the period that they have every month is not a period, but it's just a shed of blood due to failure of the ovum to be implanted into the uterus wall.

Upon hearing his explanation, I was truly sad :( I knew it. I did not ovulate. Nor do I have before, but I was not sure either.

We waited for the sperm's result for almost 2 hours. It turned out.. pretty well. 

His sperm counts were good. Overall, his semen health was great. But the result, he had a little teratozoospermia = a condition where more than 96% abnormal sperms . 

A normal morphology should have more than 4%, but sadly, his normal sperms were 3%. The rest 97% are abnormal shaped sperms. But Dr. said this is still fine. And we still have the chance to conceive.

In my case, Dr. gave me dose of Clomid where I needed to eat 2 tablets once a day for every 5 days for my next cycle. Here's how it looks like:

Okay, that's all from me for my first recap. I will share more on my next visit with this doctor.

Hopefully, Allah will ease us in getting children, inshaAllah. 

"Wahai Tuhanku! Kurniakanlah kepadaku dari sisi-Mu zuriat keturunan yang baik.
Sesungguhnya Engkau sentiasa mendengar(menerima) doa"

- Surah Ali Imran: 38


Anneyong! Hello! It has been a while. I'm now back to reminisce all my experiences and memories throughout my studies and my marriage. Just a short summary of myself.

July 2014 - July 2016

I underwent ADFP (American Degree Foundation Program) for 1 year. The following year I studied under ACTP (American Credit Transfer Program). It was a hard, but I made it, Alhamdulillah.

Aug 2016 - May 2019

Alhamdulillah, I flew to University of Colorado Boulder (a.k.a CU Boulder) and studied Mechanical Engineering under the College of Engineering. Thanks JPA for sponsoring me! Made new friends with the Malaysians and the locals there. I also worked part time as an assistant at the residents hall in the campus. Balanced my work and my study schedule. Failed some papers, managed to scored again on the next exams and successfully graduated as a Mechanical Engineering student, woohoo! Truly grateful with I have been thru. Couldn't make it without the supports of my now-husband and my friends especially my Mechy Malaysian friends and my housemates, Syeera and Wani. I love you guys so much 

I will share more about my college and my experience there later, inshaAllah!

July 2019

On 5th July 2019, I got married to my husband, Muhammad Ibrahim ❤. We have been together since Nov 2017 and finally with the support of our families, we tied the knot after graduated. Until now, I have been on TTC. The purpose of me coming back to my blog is mostly I want to recap all my journeys, all our thick and thins to see the doctors for my fertility. 

I will share my journeys on TTC (Trying to Conceive) on the next post.

Please pray for us. Thank you!