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Thursday, February 25, 2021

TTC Journey - Recap of My First Appointment

Hello! I have been keeping this for too long I think I want to let out all my hardships here. 

I will introduce again about myself. I have been married since 5th July 2019, so as of today, it has been 

1 year, 7 months and 20 days 

already! Wow, time flies so fast. And that period is exactly 601 days?? 진짜??!

Okay, back to my story. My hubby and I went to KPJ Damansara on 22/2/2020. On this date, it was around 7 months since our marriage. 

We decided to see a doctor since I never notice if I have been ovulating or not throughout our marriage. So, I googled who should we seek first. We live in Rawang, but most of the Google suggestions are around KL and Selangor. 

We really want children... babies... I want to be a mama :(

If I have the chance to go to JB, I would want to seek for Dr. Thokha's advice. He is well known as Obygn specialist whose patients often deliver twins through IVF. Check out his Dr. Thokha's instagram here.

Anyway, we arrived at the hospital around noon. At first, my hubby needed to check for his sperms. He just recovered from fever, so at this moment, we hoped that the sperm results were fine.

After that, doctor scanned me. They called this scanning session as TVS (transvaginal ultrasound) where the nurse poke into your vagina and scan for your internal fallopian. 

I lied on the bed, facing infront of the nurse. There was a huge TV on the wall infront of the bed. 

It didn't hurt. I think the nurse rubbed the thing first using KY gel. 

That was my first time seeing my internal vagina. I saw a few eggs on both of my left and right side. During this time, it was supposed to be my ovulation day, but based on the TVS, it looked like I hadn't ovulated yet.

Dr. explained that 1/3 of women do not ovulate but they bleed. Meaning the period that they have every month is not a period, but it's just a shed of blood due to failure of the ovum to be implanted into the uterus wall.

Upon hearing his explanation, I was truly sad :( I knew it. I did not ovulate. Nor do I have before, but I was not sure either.

We waited for the sperm's result for almost 2 hours. It turned out.. pretty well. 

His sperm counts were good. Overall, his semen health was great. But the result, he had a little teratozoospermia = a condition where more than 96% abnormal sperms . 

A normal morphology should have more than 4%, but sadly, his normal sperms were 3%. The rest 97% are abnormal shaped sperms. But Dr. said this is still fine. And we still have the chance to conceive.

In my case, Dr. gave me dose of Clomid where I needed to eat 2 tablets once a day for every 5 days for my next cycle. Here's how it looks like:

Okay, that's all from me for my first recap. I will share more on my next visit with this doctor.

Hopefully, Allah will ease us in getting children, inshaAllah. 

"Wahai Tuhanku! Kurniakanlah kepadaku dari sisi-Mu zuriat keturunan yang baik.
Sesungguhnya Engkau sentiasa mendengar(menerima) doa"

- Surah Ali Imran: 38