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Thursday, February 25, 2021


Anneyong! Hello! It has been a while. I'm now back to reminisce all my experiences and memories throughout my studies and my marriage. Just a short summary of myself.

July 2014 - July 2016

I underwent ADFP (American Degree Foundation Program) for 1 year. The following year I studied under ACTP (American Credit Transfer Program). It was a hard, but I made it, Alhamdulillah.

Aug 2016 - May 2019

Alhamdulillah, I flew to University of Colorado Boulder (a.k.a CU Boulder) and studied Mechanical Engineering under the College of Engineering. Thanks JPA for sponsoring me! Made new friends with the Malaysians and the locals there. I also worked part time as an assistant at the residents hall in the campus. Balanced my work and my study schedule. Failed some papers, managed to scored again on the next exams and successfully graduated as a Mechanical Engineering student, woohoo! Truly grateful with I have been thru. Couldn't make it without the supports of my now-husband and my friends especially my Mechy Malaysian friends and my housemates, Syeera and Wani. I love you guys so much 

I will share more about my college and my experience there later, inshaAllah!

July 2019

On 5th July 2019, I got married to my husband, Muhammad Ibrahim ❤. We have been together since Nov 2017 and finally with the support of our families, we tied the knot after graduated. Until now, I have been on TTC. The purpose of me coming back to my blog is mostly I want to recap all my journeys, all our thick and thins to see the doctors for my fertility. 

I will share my journeys on TTC (Trying to Conceive) on the next post.

Please pray for us. Thank you!