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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Final decision - ADFP

Hi. Oh yeah since I don't register myself in UniKL MIAT, so imma enroll on this friday. Yep, will be taking ADFP in INTEC.

What's ADFP anyway? It's American Degree Foundation Programme a.k.a "All Day Fun & Play". Not sure how fun it is, but they say it's easier than IB but almost the same as A-Level but the hardest thing is the GRADING SYSTEM!!!! Smh.

Hm, nvm I believe different course has their own different difficulties. Even foundation in Malaysia also is not really easy yknow. I've been experienced it, so I hope I can make it in INTEC.

Here are some of blogs that practically help me in finding some infos on ADFP. I think they help A LOT in raising one's spirit. If you wanna know further about this course, check out these blogs:

Also, I even asked the guy who wrote about this programme on his blog through email. It really helped!

Here are my freshie annoying questions and his helpful answers.

So, I've finally widen my view on this course. I (finally) know more and get mentally prepared before I start my lessons. Bukan apa. At least I'd know ways how to survive soon. Do I sound really semangat........ hahahahahahahahaha but at least I get to know more! So feel a bit secure rite.

I'd like to thank the guy who wrote the blog. Thank you so much for enlightening me. May Allah bless him for his kindness and sincere. Wish me luck in pursuing success! Dunya and akhirat, in shaa Allah. *showing biceps*